Kamado Tanjiro Quotes

60+ Kamado Tanjiro Quotes From Anime Demon Slayer Kimetsu No Yaiba

Kamado Tanjiro quotes is a collection of the best quotes taken from anime Demon Slayer Kimetsu No Yaiba. Kamado Tanjiro quotes have a nice dan deep meaning. Memora.ID summarizes Kamado Tanjiro quotes from anime Demon Slayer Kimetsu No Yaiba.

Kamado Tanjiro Quotes

Kamado Tanjiro Quotes

Memora.ID summarizes Kamado Tanjiro quotes.

1. “Because man acts on the desires of his heart. His heart will continue to grow stronger.” – Kamado Tanjiro

2. “I can’t handle a situation with just passion.” – Kamado Tanjiro

3. “Life is the same as the sky keeps moving and moving, the sky will not always be clear and the snow will not forever fall.” – Kamado Tanjiro

4. “Life is not easy, but it is a gift. For life changes and goes, For there is no state in which the sky is clear for long.” – Kamado Tanjiro

5. “Everything I cannot do to others I will do all for you.” – Kamado Tanjiro

6. “Heaven and earth may move, but this heart will not be moved.” – Kamado Tanjiro

7. “Don’t be afraid, don’t look down, because you haven’t done anything wrong.” – Kamado Tanjiro

8. “If you can’t tell the difference between good and evil, you better stop being a Pillar!” – Kamado Tanjiro

9. “It was a smile full of sorrow, but also joy, and a peace in it.” – Kamado Tanjiro

10. “Don’t trample on other people’s dreams!! I won’t forgive you.” – Kamado Tanjiro

11. “It doesn’t matter if it’s today!! The future will be the same! no matter how broken I am.” – Kamado Tanjiro

12. “Both family and friends have strong relationships. Even if they don’t have blood ties, it’s still a strong relationship.” – Kamado Tanjiro

13. “You smell like you’re always angry for some reason. Even though you always smile all the time.” – Kamado Tanjiro

14. “There is a reason why people can see flashes of his life right before he died. Simply put, they are looking for a way to avoid their deaths.” – Kamado Tanjiro

15. “No matter how much you lose, you have no other choice but to move on with your life and no matter how bad the wounds you suffer.” – Kamado Tanjiro

16. “To me poisoning your family with fear is not a bond!! If you don’t correct that basic misunderstanding, you’ll never get what you want.” – Kamado Tanjiro

17. “I don’t think there’s anything worth keeping in this world.” – Kamado Tanjiro

18. “In my opinion, nothing is insignificant in this world.” – Kamado Tanjiro

19. “No one knows what will happen in the future.” – Kamado Tanjiro

20. “I will not let doubts overwhelm me anymore. And I won’t let anyone else have such a miserable experience as we did.” – Kamado Tanjiro

21. “Even though I’m not the chosen one, even though I’m not strong, sometimes I shouldn’t give up on someone, no matter who it is.” – Kamado Tanjiro

22. “What makes you happy doing that? What do you enjoy about it? What do you think life is like?” – Kamado Tanjiro

23. “Even if you give them food, clothing, and shelter with your income. That doesn’t mean you can think of them as stuff!” – Kamado Tanjiro

24. “Keep looking ahead and advancing at full speed, and fight to the end. Everyone continues to struggle, so I must fight too and must not be afraid!” – Kamado Tanjiro

25. “I will fight as hard as I can now. Burn your heart, don’t lose, don’t be afraid!” – Kamado Tanjiro

26. “For now, I will continue to move forward as best I can, even though it is painful and full of regrets.” – Kamado Tanjiro

27. “There’s not much you can do alone. That’s why people have to work together and help each other.” – Kamado Tanjiro

28. “If you want to say something, say it. Everything will be fine.” – Kamado Tanjiro

29. “The strong should help and protect the weak. Then the weak will become strong, and in turn the weak will help and protect those who are weaker than them. It’s a law of nature.” – Kamado Tanjiro

30. “One day you will definitely be able to do things that you can’t do right now.” – Kamado Tanjiro

Kamado Tanjiro Quotes

Kamado Tanjiro Quotes

Memora.ID summarizes Kamado Tanjiro quotes.

31. “Helping others will also benefit us later.” – Kamado Tanjiro

32. “No matter what happens, I will definitely protect you Nezuko.” – Kamado Tanjiro

33 “I can’t die, if I die that person will become a murderer.” – Kamado Tanjiro

34. “Don’t die under any circumstances.” – Kamado Tanjiro

34. “To me the fact that I am not alone makes me happy.” – Kamado Tanjiro

35. “Demon Hunters will fight you in the darkness of the night where you excel!” – Kamado Tanjiro

36. “Be useful! Stop the attack even if only for a moment! And find a way to win!” – Kamado Tanjiro

37. “I hate this, when I should be able to help him. It felt like there was a thick wall in front of me. Even if the greats continued to fight in front of me, I still couldn’t help them. It feels like I keep tripping, can I really become like Rengoku-san?” – Kamado Tanjiro

38. “Compared to you guys, Rengoku-san is much more powerful, he is strong! He won’t lose! He won’t let anyone die! He fought to the end! He continued to protect until the end! You’re the one who lost, and Rengoku-san is the winner!” – Kamado Tanjiro

39. “Choose the path that you think is right, if anyone mocks you I will butt their heads.” – Kamado Tanjiro

40. “Being in a relationship is hard.” – Kamado Tanjiro

41. “I can’t die, I don’t want anyone to die!” – Kamado Tanjiro

42. “A sword that breaks is caused by the wearer, not the maker.” – Kamado Tanjiro

43. “I won’t let anyone else go through a miserable experience like we did.” – Kamado Tanjiro

44. “I keep thinking about it, but there is no easy way, no shortcut, I can only try hard.” – Kamado Tanjiro

45. “Everyone lends their strength to me, our hopes and our feelings are one. We must defeat the demons and protect everyone. I have to live up to their expectations!” – Kamado Tanjiro

46. “Don’t run you coward!” – Kamado Tanjiro

47. “If you can’t do it yourself, someone else will. But you have to put in the effort first so you can pass it on to the next generation.” – Kamado Tanjiro

48. “Anger can be a driving force for someone to move on.” – Kamado Tanjiro

49. “Don’t give up! Keep trying until the last drop of blood!” – Kamado Tanjiro

50. “Redeem all with your life!” – Kamado Tanjiro

51. “Stop talking like you are the victim after you kill and eat humans! That brain of yours has gone crazy, it’s really unforgivable! The evil devil I will chop off your head here!” – Kamado Tanjiro

52. “Only you can determine your own destiny.” – Kamado Tanjiro

53. “Everything must have a way out, don’t give up.” – Kamado Tanjiro

54. “Stop running away, don’t run away from your responsibilities. All the sins you committed, all the crimes you committed. Take responsibility for it all, you won’t be able to get away from all of this.” – Kamado Tanjiro

55. “Never give up! This time you can do it, I will protect you, focus on chopping off his head! Aren’t you going to be a pillar, Shinazugawa Genya?!” – Kamado Tanjiro

56. “The secret to making you grow is to partner with someone who is stronger than you.” – Kamado Tanjiro

57. “They are willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of others. They used to feel pain but they don’t want others to feel the same.” – Kamado Tanjiro

58. “The strong should protect the weak. That way the weak will become strong and protect the weaker, that is the true law of nature!” – Kamado Tanjiro

59. “A weak person is a person with potential.” – Kamado Tanjiro

60. “I will die as a human. I don’t want eternal life, I don’t need that. I want to go back to them.” – Kamado Tanjiro

61. “Please God, allow me to go home. I just want to go home with my sister.” – Kamado Tanjiro

62. “I still have memories of happy days there. As long as Nezuko and I are alive, they will never disappear.” – Kamado Tanjiro

63. “Weak people can do the unexpected and attack. The situation can change in an instant, and the path to victory will open.” – Kamado Tanjiro

64. “Newborns are much weaker than anyone, they need other people to survive. You’re the same Akaza!, maybe you don’t remember but someone protected you and took care of you that’s why you’re still alive now.” – Kamado Tanjiro

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