In the 2023 fantasy manga series “Kagurabachi,” Chihiro Rokuhira takes center stage as the primary protagonist. Born to the renowned swordsmith Kunishige Rokuhira, celebrated for his distinctive technique in crafting special katanas, Chihiro’s life takes a dramatic turn following his father’s demise. In the aftermath, he commits himself to a quest: recovering the stolen enchanted blades and pursuing the Hishaku, a faction of sorcerers accountable for his father’s untimely end.
Endowed with exceptional swordsmanship, Chihiro embodies a profound sense of justice. Driven by the desire to avenge his father and thwart the Hishaku’s malevolent schemes, he emerges as a multifaceted and intricately developed character. For aficionados of fantasy manga, Chihiro’s journey promises a captivating narrative.
Best Quotes from Chihiro Rokuhira
1. “Do I seem sane to you? I don’t care if they’re monsters. I have to cut them down.” – Chihiro Rokuhira.
2. “We choose to surpass One Piece in this decade and do the other things not because they are easy but because they are hard.” – Chihiro Rokuhira.
3. “Enough time has passed, i think it is obvious. I am peak fiction.” – Chihiro Rokuhira.
4. “I am the Kagurabachi, it’s is Kagurachi-ing time.” – Chihiro Rokuhira.
5. “Kagurabachi, i will be come the next.” – Chihiro Rokuhira.
6. “So every day, i start the morning with fresh hatred.” – Chihiro Rokuhira.
Best Quotes from Chihiro Rokuhira
7. “And every morning, i start he day with a renewed hatred.” – Chihiro Rokuhira.
8. “I have no enemies.” – Chihiro Rokuhira.
9. “I am honored one.” – Chihiro Rokuhira.
10. “Slime like you to ever cook again.” – Chihiro Rokuhira.
11. “Hurry up and spit it out.” – Chihiro Rokuhira.
12. “I am gonna be the king of shonen.” – Chihiro Rokuhira.
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