Start-Up Korean Drama Quotes

40+ Best Inspirational Quotes From Start-Up Korean Drama

Best inspirational quotes from Start-Up Korean Drama is a collection of the best quotes taken from Start-Up characters. Seo Dalmi, Nam Do-san and Han Jipyeong quotes have a good dan deep meaning. Memora.ID summarizes best inspirational quotes from Start-Up Korean Drama.

Start-Up Korean Drama Quotes

Start-Up Korean Drama Quotes

Memora.ID summarizes best inspirational quotes from Start-Up Korean Drama

1. “Take off your burdens, get on stage with confidence.” – Han Ji Pyeong.

2. “Good guy or CEO? Do not be greedy. You can’t be both. Select one. Only one.” – Han Ji Pyeong.

3. “The present is also a gift. I won’t fill the present with regret anymore.” – Han Ji Pyeong.

4. “There is no right answer for politics or management.” – Han Ji Pyeong.

5. “Instead of looking for answers, make choices. Whatever you choose, you will be criticized.” – Han Ji Pyeong.

6. “Don’t look for the answer but make a choice even though you will be cursed whatever your choice.” – Han Ji Pyeong.

7. “I keep thinking about him, I want him and it just feels so unfair.” – Han Ji Pyeong.

8. “I just want to be honest, I don’t want to burden you.” – Han Ji Pyeong.

9. “I pretend to be the smartest in the world, but in reality, I’m just a clueless idiot. I’m not a good boy.” – Han Ji Pyeong.

10. “Show them your passion and enthusiasm right now and you will be successful.” – Han Ji Pyeong.

11. “We can walk aimlessly. Sailing without a map.” – Seo Dal Mi.

12. “It’s like I’m standing on the edge of a cliff, I don’t need self-respect anymore.” – Seo Dal Mi.

13. “I want to be on the 32nd floor. The elevator we are taking will not take me there. I have to take the elevator that way.” – Seo Dal Mi.

14. “Have you ever wandered on purpose? Today, I aimlessly wandered around on purpose.” – Seo Dal Mi.

15. “Having a bad relationship is like owing a hundred million, while having a good relationship is like getting a hundred million.” – Seo Dal Mi.

16. “I have never regretted my decisions. I’m trying to do that.” – Seo Dal Mi.

17. “They don’t mind me kneeling. They’ll just think you’re a great person. That’s a good conclusion for you.” – Seo Dal Mi.

18. “I see. You want to be as bright as the moon but you feel as if you are just a star as small as a dust particle.” – Seo Dal Mi.

19. “I regret the flowers that fall more than the flowers that bloom.” – Seo Dal Mi.

20. “Just let me cry today. Then I’ll keep smiling.” – Seo Dal Mi.

Start-Up Korean Drama Quotes

Start-Up Korean Drama Quotes

Memora.ID summarizes best inspirational quotes from Start-Up Korean Drama

21. “Once again the calm wind turns into a gale.” – Nam Dosan.

22. “I don’t want to make an alternative to failure.” – Nam Dosan.

23. “At first I liked your sweet smile, but now I don’t want you to cry.”

24. “I want to be like the person you want me to be. But I can’t do that, it’s excruciating.” – Nam Dosan.

25. “Do my dreams have to be successful? Can’t it be someone?” – Nam Dosan.

26. “I am tormented knowing what you did was all not for me.” – Nam Dosan.

27. “To live to be someone’s pride is a hard thing.” – Nam Dosan.

28. “You lost 100 million won because of me, so 200 million, no, I will give you 10 billion won.” – Nam Dosan.

29. “You hide and lie for fear of being found out. Aren’t you tired?” – Nam Dosan.

30. “I’m not unambitious but I really don’t have the right.” – Nam Dosan.

31. “If you really admit me, don’t worry about me but support me.” – Won In Jae.

32. “Someone said that indifference is revenge on an insignificant person.” – Won In Jae.

33. “I am only human. Of course I’ve made selfish decisions.” – Won In Jae.

34. “I made materialistic decisions out of desperation.” – Won In Jae.

35. “I think I will live a long time because of the frequent swearing.” – Won In Jae.

36. “Don’t use connections and luck as an excuse. It’s too cliche.” – Won In Jae.

37. “Don’t let other people’s opinions become your reality.” – Les Brown.

38. “I’m not jealous at all. If I’m jealous it means I lost.” – Lee Cheol San.

39. “You are a cosmos flower. And it’s still spring. Wait until autumn, and you will bloom beautifully.” – Grandma Choi.

40. “It was a sweet dream, and he seems to have been sleeping soundly. It’s time to wake him up.” – Grandma Choi.

41. “I’m not asking you to answer it, so forget it. I don’t want us to become uncomfortable and avoid each other because of this.” – Han Ji Pyeong.