Procedures and Regulations for Guest Article Submissions at Memora.ID

Procedures and Regulations for Guest Article Submissions at Memora.ID

Memora.ID welcomes guest articles. The placement of content on Memora.ID is subject to certain terms and conditions. Below are the requirements and conditions for submitting guest articles to Memora.ID:

Requirements and Conditions:

– Content must not contain any offensive material related to race, religion, ethnicity, or pornography.
– Content must not promote gambling, betting, or similar activities.
– Guest articles are not accepted for free; they require payment.
– Articles should be provided by the client.
– If the client does not provide an article, they can pay for writing services at Memora.ID.
– Payment is due within a maximum of 2 working days.

Procedure for Submitting Guest Articles to Memora.ID:

– Please contact us via email.
– Official Memora email:
– The cost of guest articles will be explained in the email response.
– If approved, the article will be promptly published on Memora.ID.

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